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Working From Home? You Might Want Solar

April 20, 2021
Freedom Solar & Batterie

Large companies sent their staff home to work, and they discovered that productivity was not adversely affected. In fact it improved in a lot of circumstances. A lot of these companies have even made these new arrangements permanent.

Welcome to 2021. I guess there has been a lot of focus on this particular calendar changeover as we all are very happy to see 2020 finish.

2020 was certainly an interesting time. Some businesses were hit hard by the lockdowns and some, sadly, didn't survive. Others flourished and some were created in area's never previously thought of before.

At the beginning I was very worried about whether we would be okay. The phone stopped ringing for the first few weeks of the pandemic, and I was wondering if this was the thing that would do us in business wise. Would any small business actually survive this? Well, the phone started to ring again, and we got back to work. We had a couple of cancellations because people had unfortunately lost their jobs. 

Large companies sent their staff home to work, and they discovered that productivity was not adversely affected. In fact it improved in a lot of circumstances. A lot of these companies have even made these new arrangements permanent.

How did it affect our business? Well, with most of the workforce now working at home, the energy consumption patterns changed dramatically. People were using their appliances through the day now and not so much at night. Computers, air conditioning, even washing machines and dishwashers are now being operated during the day. You are at home, so all those coffees you make, and times you open the fridge all contribute to “your power bill” – not the company’s.

What this does is moves your major household loads into the daytime, when you previously weren't home. Perfect for Solar. You see, the perfect scenario for solar is "self-consumption", being at home provides this perfect opportunity.

Power bills have gone up, big time for some. But you are not commuting anymore or going to Bali for the annual holiday. People have been able to save money in some key areas and are now more aware of the energy cost of working at home.

With these factors (and more), our business grew substantially. At the beginning of the year, I could not have predicted by how much. Average system sizes have also grown. This helps people take advantage of self-consumption. We have handled the extra volume very well and we now have much higher expectations of where we are taking our small business.

We wish everyone a very safe and happy new year. And when that power bill hits your letter box with a thud. Give us a call, we can make a massive difference to your power cost.

Cheers, Cameron.

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If you would like to learn more about our commercial and residential solar installation services, or the individual solar power products we can supply, get in touch with our team today. Call us today on 0412 534 880 or 02 4392 0033 and we can begin a consultation.

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